Design + Destiny =
Uber Experience
I create transformative "uber" experiences that help audiences fulfill the conscious (and sub-conscious) vision of their potential.
Uncovering Needs
I investigate the hopes and fears of my audience. I try to understand the belief systems underpinning their identity and uncover the secrets of why they thrive or fail.
Framing Opportunities
I draw on persuasive and learning principles, asking “how might design intentionally influence beliefs, knowledge, emotion and behavior such that users come closer to a desirable way of being?".
I leverage three essential protagonists in the narrative of personal achievement: Coaches- individuals like mentors or peers comprising a supportive and motivating social network. Tools- technologies that mediate those social relationships and allow the user to take action. The Campaign- the message (propaganda, if you will) that inspires new ideas about what the user should value and do to achieve a better state.
Building Teams
of Intention
I inspire teams to use idealism, critical thinking and problem-solving to reverse the human conditions of apathy, ignorance, illness and inequality.
Inspiring Teams
I challenge my teams (designers, product managers and developers) to reflect on how they intend to impact the world. I provoke them to identify the values they espouse and the unique skills they bring to bear. The Hero Narrative is a tool I use to help them imagine their own greatness and how their work should be an expression of that greatness.
Nurturing Teams
To build, mentor and keep a design team, a leader has to be explicit about the hard and soft skills of the job. This seems like a no brainer, but it's hard to resist relying on instinct to choose and evaluate talent. I embrace the self-discipline needed to define clear, measurable career goals for my designers. Among many tools I use, a Skills Spider Diagram visualizes UX mastery along specific dimensions. This framework helps designers assess themselves objectively and in relation to one another. It also facilitates our conversation about development goals and a path to success.
"Design is the human power of conceiving, planning, and making products that serve human beings in the accomplishment of their individual and collective purposes."
Design Research and the New Learning, Richard Buchanan